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Education Benefits

Employee, Spouse and Dependent Undergraduate Scholarship

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The Employee, Spouse, and Dependent Undergraduate Scholarship program was created to provide needs-based financial assistance to eligible University employees and their spouses and dependents pursuing an undergraduate degree at UNC-Chapel Hill.


The Employee, Spouse, and Dependent Undergraduate Scholarship is a needs-based program covering in-state tuition and required fees for up to 12 hours of undergraduate courses taken by the student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, less the amount covered by the University’s tuition and/or student fees waiver programs as applicable for employee and/or spouse of employee.

Approved scholarship funds will be transferred directly to student accounts at the beginning of each semester or term; funds will be transferred only if the student is registered for the number of hours for which the scholarship award was based.



This scholarship ONLY applies to undergraduate courses taken at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The following applicants are eligible for this scholarship:

  • Permanent SHRA, EHRA Non-Faculty and Faculty employees working full-time or part-time (20 hours or more per week) at the University with a minimum of one-year continuous service.
  • The spouse and/or dependent child of an eligible employee.
  • Dependent status is determined by completing the FAFSA; applicants, dependents and/or spouses must be listed on the FAFSA.
  • An applicant (employee, dependent and/or spouse) must be an eligible student already admitted to an undergraduate degree program at UNC-Chapel Hill when applying for the scholarship.
  • Per eligible employee, concurrent scholarship applications may be submitted for each semester/session for employee, spouse and/or child/ren.
  • The employee must remain in eligibility status throughout the period for which a scholarship is awarded; termination of employment will require repayment of scholarship funds.
  • The student must be in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress toward the completion of an undergraduate
Before applying for this scholarship eligible employees must first apply for the Tuition Waiver Program and the Student Fee Waiver Program.

The amount of the scholarship award is contingent upon financial aid availability and covers in-state tuition and required fees for the courses less the amount covered by an Employee Tuition Waiver.

Before applying for this scholarship an applicant who is the spouse of an eligible employee must first apply for the Student Fee Waiver Program.

The amount of the scholarship award is contingent upon financial aid availability and covers in-state tuition and required fees for the courses.

The amount of the scholarship award is contingent upon financial aid availability and covers in-state tuition and required fees for the courses. There is no limit to the number of an eligible employee’s dependents who can apply for this scholarship per academic year.

Scholarship Coverage

The amount of the scholarship award is contingent upon financial aid availability and covers in-state tuition and required fees for the courses, less the amount covered by an employee’s Tuition Waiver, which University employee applicants must be used first, if available.

A scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the student’s financial need, according to guidelines approved by the U.S. Congress for Federal student aid programs and used by the University for need-based scholarship awards.

Students must have demonstrated financial need to be eligible for the Employee-Spouse-Dependent Scholarship:

  • Financial need is determined by information retrieved from the FAFSA and is monitored by the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid.
  • The scholarship, when combined with other aid, may not exceed the student’s financial need, as determined under federal regulations.
  • If the student receives other need-based aid, the scholarship will, whenever possible, replace loan assistance.
  • If funds are not available for all applicants, scholarships will be awarded to applicants on a first-come, first-served basis.


How to Apply & Application Form

Before applying

  • Eligible employees must first apply for the Tuition Waiver Program and the Student Fees Waiver Program.
  • Applicant who is the spouse of an eligible employee must first apply for the Student Fees Waiver Program.
  • Applicant must first be accepted to an undergraduate degree program at UNC-Chapel Hill.
    • If the student is not enrolled or admitted to an undergraduate degree program, application for admission must be submitted as follows. The applicant should contact the below listed offices for information about deadlines and to obtain an application form:
      • Full-time study to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
      • Part-time study to the Office of Continuing Studies (must be enrolled as a degree seeking student at the University).
  • Applicant must first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the corresponding academic period and submit the application to the Federal processing agency ( If the applicant is applying for the scholarship for either or both summer sessions, the student must be registered for the summer and have an existing financial aid award for the summer.
  1. Complete the Application for Employee, Spouse, and Dependent Undergraduate Scholarship form.
    • One form can cover both fall and spring semesters of an academic year (August to May).
    • A separate form must be submitted for summer sessions; one form can cover both summer sessions.
  2. Email the completed form as a pdf to the OHR Benefits team at before the first day of class for the corresponding academic semester.
Email the completed form as a pdf to the OHR Benefits team at before the first day of class for the corresponding academic semester.

Applicants will be notified via email of scholarship decisions approximately two weeks after the completion of all necessary application forms.

Contact UNC Benefits Team

Email |
Phone | 919-962-3071
Fax | 919-962-6010

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