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The Office of Human Resources realizes that departments may have the need from time to time to hire temporary personnel. When doing so, Departments may post positions in PeopleAdmin and hire temporary personnel directly onto the department’s payroll (Direct Hire Temporary); or may utilize the nextSource/VNDLY platform (includes University Temporary Services (UTS) service and other outside third-party temporary employment agencies) through Purchasing Services.

Hiring Processes

For the procurement of temporary personnel services when the department is directly hiring an individual the department is required to perform all routine hiring processes (posting, completing an ePAR, Criminal Conviction Check, Form I-9/E-Verify, Form W-4, Form NC-4, reference checks). Learn more about Direct-Hire Temporary Employees.

The New Hire Package for EHRA Non-Faculty employees can be found in the Manager Toolkit

The University contracts with nextSource/VNDLY to provide temporary employment service management utilizing the VNDLY tool. These services include finding temporary employees to fill University roles. Such employees are employed by outside temporary agencies and not by the University. To access the nextSource/VNDLY platform, go to Self Service in ConnectCarolina and click on the “nextSource-3rd party staffing” link in the Useful Links tile.

For the procurement of temporary personnel services when the department contracts with an outside staffing vendor, the department must follow the routine purchasing guidelines summarized below:

Total Expenditure For Temporary Employee

Necessary Action

Less than $5,000

The department is responsible for the proper documentation and payment using either a check requisition or a Web requisition using object code 3909

Between $5,001-$9,999.99

The department is required to obtain a minimum of three informal quotes from outside vendors. Once a selection has been made, the department sends a purchase requisition to Purchasing Services for approval and the creation of a purchase order. Purchasing Services shall require a copy of the informal quotes as well as a letter justifying the award to the desired vendor.

Between $10,000-$500,000

The department is responsible for submitting a purchase requisition with a full description of the job skills/sets they require in the temporary employee along with a list of possible vendors. Purchasing Services shall competitively bid the requirement and obtain resumes for departmental review and selection of a qualified applicant. If the estimated cost exceeds $25,000. The bid must be posted on the State Purchase and Contract website for a minimum of 10 days.

Over $500,000

The same process as above applies but State approval is required before a contract can be awarded.

Appointment Types

For information about SHRA Temporary Employee Appointment Types, please refer to the SHRA Temporary Employment Policy.


Learn more

Direct Hire Temporary Employment University Temporary Services (UTS)