EHRA Non-Faculty Position Categories
EHRA Non-Faculty positions are broadly divided into two categories: Exempt Professional Staff (EPS) and Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAO).
EHRA Non-Faculty positions are broadly divided into two categories: Exempt Professional Staff (EPS) and Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAO). Any position which is requested for classification to EHRA non-faculty status must be classified into one of these categories. These categories are summarized below per UNC System guidelines. Detailed guidance on these criteria is also available at the UNC System Policy Manual, 300.1.1. EHRA Student employees are of themselves a separate classification and not included under EHRA non-faculty classification guidelines.
In considering whether a position qualifies for a particular EHRA non-faculty classification category, an important guideline is whether at least 50% or greater of the position’s primary duties and functions satisfy the job content and criteria specified by the EHRA non-faculty guidelines.
The below descriptions of each EHRA position subcategory include minimum education and experience requirements for purposes of recruitment and selection. Departments may establish requirements at a minimum that meet these requirements and may exceed them if deemed appropriate based on specific operational needs. The specific nature of required experience, when applicable, is determined by the Department Head within the general parameters noted for each position.
As the stated position guidelines may not anticipate every unique situation or operational need, exceptions to these guidelines may be requested from the EHRA Non-Faculty HR unit of the Office of Human Resources to address special circumstances with the concurrence of the relevant Dean or Vice Chancellor in the requesting unit’s administrative approval chain.
Most positions to be classified as SAAO must be approved both at the campus-level and at the UNC System level (EHRA Subcommittee of the HR Council, the Human Resources Advisory Board – HRAB). This necessarily involves a longer period of time than gaining approval for an EPS position. Therefore, to ensure a department does not unnecessarily invest a large amount of time going through the SAAO classification process, and thereby delaying recruitment, extra care should be exercised before presuming a position qualifies for SAAO status.
Regardless of duties, positions within the School’s designated at the Assistant/Associate Dean-level or derivations of that title are automatically afforded SAAO status. The award of such ranks however must have the approval of the Dean and the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost.
Newly created Vice Chancellor positions must be approved by our campus Board of Trustees and the UNC System President prior to any appointment being conferred (see UNC System Policy Number 600.3.4, Section D.1.b.).