Exit Interview Program
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Exit Interview Program offers departing or transferring employees with the opportunity to provide feedback about University work engagement and overall experience while here at UNC-Chapel Hill. Employees who are eligible to participate in this program include full-time and part-time permanent employees and temporary employees separating from or transferring within the University.
The Exit Interview Program is part of the University’s ongoing efforts to enhance employee experiences. The Exit Interview Questionnaire is the primary vehicle in place to capture feedback about benefits, work balance/well being, communication and work environment issues. Your input is valuable, and we appreciate the contribution of your thoughts and suggestions.
Completion of the Exit Interview Questionnaire is highly encouraged but not mandatory. Exiting or transferring employees who prefer to offer feedback in a confidential conversational setting are strongly encouraged to schedule an in-person exit interview.
All feedback is valued and greatly appreciated.
Employee and Management Relations and the Office of Faculty Affairs closely reviews all feedback and suggestions. The generalized feedback will serve as the basis for ongoing discussions regarding strategic planning, employee retention and engagement. Your comments are invaluable and will allow us to explore perspectives from different demographics.
Continuing to improve employee satisfaction for faculty and staff is important to us all and underpins the success of the Exit Interview Program. Through the use of analytics, reports and action planning, the empirical data will be incorporated into our work moving forward to enhance employee experiences.
Your honest information, thoughts, suggestions and candid input are greatly appreciated.
Once a department learns that an employee is exiting the department or University, the HR Representative should:
- Ensure appropriate information/documents are distributed to the employee prior to their last workday (last day in the department). See the Leaving the University Checklist in the Forms section below for more information.
- Encourage the employee to participate in the exit interview process.
The Exit Interview Program covers the following SHRA, EHRA-NF and Faculty employees:
- Full-time and part-time permanent employees who are separating from the University
- Full-time and part-time permanent employees who are transferring within the University
- Temporary employees who are separating from the University
- Temporary employees who are transferring within the University
There are three options for providing feedback for the Exit Interview Questionnaire:
- Online
- Printed
- In person
For online and print versions of the questionnaire, please see the Forms section below. For in-person interviews, please contact the managing University unit whose contact information is given in the toggles below for respective employee types.
- Employee and Management Relations webpage
- Email emr@unc.edu
- Call Employee and Management Relations at (919) 843-3444
- Office of Faculty Affairs website
- Email facultyaffairs@unc.edu
- Call Office of Faculty Affairs at (919) 962-1091
- Leaving the University Checklist (pdf)
- Leaving UNC-Chapel Hill Guide (pdf) | Information about pay, benefits, insurance and more