Recruitment & Selection
Below are summaries of the policies that apply to the recruitment and selection of SHRA employees at UNC-Chapel Hill. Click the policy links for each subject to read the full policy statement in the University policy repository.
The University strives to create a welcoming and safe environment for all individuals. Consistent with this goal, the University will not employ individuals or appoint unpaid affiliates with prior criminal convictions or driving records (when applicable) who are determined to pose an unacceptable safety risk to the University or its employees, students and visitors.
All U.S. employers are responsible for completion and retention of Form I-9 for each individual hired for employment in the United States, including citizens and noncitizens. The employer must verify the employment eligibility and identity documents presented by the employee and record the document information on the Federal Form I-9.
The University features a decentralized administrative infrastructure that provides broad discretion and flexibility to School and Division leaders to innovate and make local decisions while still maintaining compliance with University-wide policies and procedures.
The University consistently applies the SHRA recruitment and selection process to promote open and fair competition to select from the most qualified persons to fill vacant positions. Selection decisions will be based solely on job-related criteria. Employment is offered based upon the job-related qualifications of applicants for employment using fair and valid selection criteria and upon satisfactory completion of all relevant reference checking, pre-employment background checking, credentials verification, and verification of eligibility to work in the United States.
Departments have the option to post SHRA permanent and time-limited positions as internal only. Internal only recruitments limit applicants to current, permanent or time-limited employees of UNC-Chapel Hill or to individuals with UNC-Chapel Hill layoff priority. Internal only recruitments may not be limited to employees of any specific unit, department or division of the University, nor may any of the positions’ essential requirements indirectly infer required employment in a specific area of the University.
The career banding system recognizes that competitive pay levels encourage excellence of performance. The system accomplishes this by emphasizing competencies required for the position and aligning compensation with market pay related to the position and its competencies. A major goal of career banding is the increased ability to recruit, retain and develop a qualified, motivated, and diverse workforce.
This policy prohibits certain types of relationships in academic and workplace environments that create an inherent conflict of interest. The policy prohibits related persons from supervising, evaluating, or influencing academic and employment decisions, including supervising and evaluating related students or students with whom an employee has had a romantic relationship. Additionally, the policy prohibits employees from engaging in romantic relationships with students under the age of 18.
- Nepotism and Interpersonal Relationships Policy
- Log in to ConnectCarolina and follow this path to access the Nepotism eForm: Connect Carolina > HR WorkCenter tile > Forms menu option on left > Add Nepotism Request.
UNC-Chapel Hill recognizes the significant benefits that derive from the use of unpaid volunteers, interns, and visiting scholars in support of the University’s mission of teaching, research, and public service as well as the importance of safely and appropriately engaging these individuals.
The Office of Human Resources (OHR) posts all active SHRA position openings with the State’s minimum requirements and, as appropriate, any additional position requirements listed by the hiring department. OHR also publishes a job listing of open SHRA positions under active recruitment. The University’s Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) Office posts all faculty and EHRA non-faculty openings with position details on-line after a Recruitment Requisition is routed and approved by the EOC Office through ConnectCarolina.
To aid in the recruitment of middle or late career applicants to positions that the University has identified as critical to the agency mission and for which the agency has documented recruitment difficulty attracting qualified applicants or for applicants to “middle management positions”, the State permits the University in certain circumstances to provide one-time recruitment incentive leave for new SHRA hires.
SHRA positions are subject to the provisions of the State Personnel Act of North Carolina. The State Personnel Act establishes parameters for position classification, salary, and many personnel policies and programs.
In appreciation for their service to their country, and in recognition of the time and advantage lost toward the pursuit of a civilian career, veterans shall be granted preference in University employment.
- Adverse Decision Letter (doc)
- Form I-9 and E-Verify Compliance Manual (pdf)
- Incentive Leave Request-Form (doc)
- Orientation Checklist for New Employees (doc)
- Orientation Checklist for Supervisors (doc)
- PeopleAdmin Position Posting Worksheet (doc)
- PeopleAdmin Selection and Hiring Worksheet (doc)
- Pre-Adverse Decision Letter (doc)
- Recruitment Advertising Request Form (doc)
- Reference Check Form (doc)
- Remote Hire Desktop Reference (pdf)
- Remote Hire Request Form (doc)
- Special Request for DPS and Minor Temporary Candidate Employee ID (PID) Creation (doc)