Disciplinary Processes
Please see below for information about SHRA Disciplinary Processes, including Probationary Separation.
For information on disciplinary procedures for EHRA Non-Faculty employees, contact Employee and Management Relations in the Office of Human Resources.
During the probationary period, the supervisor determines whether to continue the employee’s appointment and may terminate the employee’s appointment prior to the end of the employee’s probationary period. The employee must receive a written notification of separation. A staff member of Employee & Management Relations must review the probationary separation letter prior to it being issued to an employee.
Once employees have completed their probationary periods, they are covered by the disciplinary procedures found in the SHRA Disciplinary Action Policy.
- There are three categories of cause for disciplinary action: Unsatisfactory Job Performance, Grossly Inefficient Job Performance, and Unacceptable Personal Conduct.
- There are four types of disciplinary action: Written Warning, Suspension without Pay (for one work week), Demotion (of rank and/or pay), and Dismissal.
- For conduct incidents or for grossly inefficient job performance, an employee could be dismissed on a first offence depending upon the severity of the event.
- Discipline for unsatisfactory job performance is successive and requires at least three disciplinary incidents: the first incident must result in a written warning, the second incident may result in a written warning, suspension or demotion, and the third incident may result in dismissal from employment.
- Before any SHRA permanent employee can be suspended, demoted or dismissed, the supervisor must hold a “Pre-Disciplinary Conference” with the employee to provide the employee an opportunity to address management’s concerns before it makes the disciplinary decision. A staff member of Employee & Management Relations must be present at the Pre-Disciplinary Conference.=
- A staff member of Employee & Management Relations must review and approve all disciplinary and related letters prior to them being issued to employees.
- Temporary and probationary employees are not covered by this policy and its procedures and can be released from employment as deemed appropriate by management.
See the SHRA Disciplinary Action Policy for more information.
- Written Warning
- Notice of Separation during Probationary Period
- Notice of Investigatory Leave with Pay Status (ILWP)
- Notice to Attend a Pre-Disciplinary Conference
- Disciplinary Decision of Suspension Without Pay
- Disciplinary Decision of Demotion
- Disciplinary Decision of Dismissal
For additional assistance, contact the Employee & Management Relations Consultant in the Office of Human Resources assigned to work with your department.