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PM Annual Appraisal

March 11, 2024

…o support performance development and success in their role, SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty employees who work more than six months during the performance appraisal cycle are required to have an annual performance review. All appraisal tasks are completed online through Carolina Talent Performance. About Eligibility Ratings Employee Competency Assessment Key Dates Appraisal in Carolina Talent For Managers Learning Resources Help & How-tos About When ev…


September 16, 2024

…d relax is important. Permanent, probationary, and time-limited SHRA, EHRA Non-Faculty and twelve-month Faculty employees who work 20 or more hours per week earn ONE of the following vacation leaves based on their employment type and date of hire with the University. Employees who work less than 40 hours per week earn vacation leave on a prorated basis. Nine-month Faculty do NOT earn vacation leave. Vacation Leave | For SHRA employees working 20 h…

PM Plans

March 11, 2024

…development and career goals.   Performance Conversation At the center of performance management is the performance conversation between employee and manager. The purpose of the performance conversation is for managers and employees to have an open dialogue and to share and receive feedback on past performance, challenges, development areas and goals for the next cycle. This conversation between managers and employees should be two-way and should…