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Promoting wellness throughout the School of Information and Library Science

The School of Information and Library Science (SILS) joined the Wellness Champions program at UNC Chapel Hill in the first wave of the program in 2019. Since then, the SILS wellness committee has grown to include student services, communications and faculty colleagues.

They’ve made it a goal to have ‘repeating’ activities every semester, along with other ‘events’ throughout the year to promote wellness in the workplace. Repeating activities include sponsoring teams for the biannual Miles for Wellness Challenges sponsored by the state (with two teams participating this fall), virtual Craft Socials on Fridays throughout the semester, and staff/faculty community building with Wednesday BYO lunch over the summer and now Watercooler Wednesdays with BYO morning drink of choice.

Some of SILS ‘events’ have been to showcase giveaways purchased by actively participating in the Wellness Champions program. These include a ‘SILS Heart Healthy’ mini hot/cold packs, a ‘Spice up your Spring’ seed distribution event, a ‘Summer Safety’ give-away with green safety lights for walking or bikes after dark, and Yoga and Mindfulness practice cards for a Chair Yoga event.

SILS has also incorporated intentional time to stop and breathe during the workday, including a 15-minute Qigong (energy practice that supports mindfulness, balance and health) check-in before all-school meetings, and ‘Tea with Dr. P’ where the Associate Dean hosts students, staff and faculty to stop by for a cup of tea in the middle of the workday.

“It’s been fun to watch as new colleagues have joined our wellness committee and contributed additional ideas to how to build our culture of wellness at SILS.” ~Lori Haight, Career Services Coordinator & Wellness Champion

Thank you, Lori and the SILS wellness committee for dedicating time to enhance wellness in the workplace.  

Learn more about the Wellness Champions program. 

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