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The NC Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) offers monthly wellness lunch and learn webinars in partnership with LifeStyle Medical Center. Here are 11 tips for staying healthy on your next getaway from June’s lunch and learn:

  1. Go Shopping. Look for nearby grocery stores and plan to prepare breakfast and snacks while away.
  2. Stick to a Food Schedule. Eat every 3-4 hours instead of at a specific time of day to better regulate blood sugar levels and stay full throughout the day.
  3. Start with a Healthy Balanced Breakfast. Don’t skip breakfast! Try keeping it simple with an apple and peanut butter, protein bar or boiled eggs.
  4. Pack Snacks. Bring a cooler and plan convenient budget friendly snacks. Try nuts, whole fruit, string cheese, small packs of hummus or guacamole with veggies, frozen grapes, protein bars and baby carrots.
  5. Cook When You Can. Don’t eat out every meal. Determine what restaurants you will go to in advance.
  6. Plan Ahead for Dining Out. Browse the menu before you arrive and stick with the pick two approach, selecting two instead of indulging in all four of the following: appetizer, entrée, dessert, or adult beverage. This will help your waistline and wallet.
  7. Keep Moving. Enjoy short walks, hiking, and bike rides while away from home.
  8. Enjoy Yourself! Find balance. The more you plan, the better you will feel about the decisions you make.
  9. Stay Hydrated. Keep water on hand or try seltzer or unsweet tea.
  10. Limit Drinking Your Calories. Drink more water. Bored with water? Jazz it up by creating your own fruit infused water. Try these combos: Honeydew, cucumber, and mint; blackberry, orange and ginger; blueberry, lemon and rosemary; watermelon, kiwi and lime; and grapefruit, pomegranate and mint.
  11. Consider Tracking. If you need some personal accountability, consider tracking your food in an app, such as MyFitnessPal, or on paper.

If you missed the June lunch and learn, you can listen to the recording or view the slides at a time that works for you.


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