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Stress Management

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32 Stress-Reduction Tips | pdf
Review these small things you can incorporate into each day to make your life easier and alleviate stress.

Are You Stressed? | pdf
Stress can cause both behavioral and physical symptoms. Here are 8 tips to beat stress and improve your health and well-being.

Assess your Stress Level Quiz | online quiz (Web ID: TARHEELS for new users)
Use this 10-question assessment to determine if you have a healthy or unhealthy amount of stress in your life.

Handling Holiday Stress | pdf
Find peace of mind this holiday season with tips for self-care and bringing balance to your work and home life.

How Resilient Are You? | pdf
Tips on how to build resilience and be strong in times of crises.

Keeping Stress Levels in Check | pdf
Learn how to manage stress and be more resilient.

Relaxation Techniques | pdf
Practice these techniques to reduce the amount of stress that you experience and to improve your overall wellness.

Resiliency Resources | pdf
Being resilient during tough times is very important and can help with recovery from a traumatic event. The PDF provides resources on resiliency and ways to cope with stressful situation

Self-Care for Stress Relief | pdf
Follow these five self-care tips to maintain well-being in a busy life.

Tips for Coping with Stress | pdf
Learn about the effects of stress and ways to cope with the stress in your life.

Additional resources can be found in the Mindfulness & Self-Care section.