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When leaving UNC-Chapel Hill, you will need to understand how your benefits are affected by this employment status change. Please refer to the document listed in the resource section for information about your benefit and final payment(s) from the University.

If you have questions about your benefits after reviewing this material, please contact your Benefit Consultant at 919-962-3071.

See the Exit Interview Program webpage for information about the Exit Interview Program and links to the Exit Interview Questionnaire and Leaving the University Checklist.

When you transition into retirement it is important you understand how your benefits will be impacted. Please review the Leaving the University Guide linked at the bottom of the page for information on how and when benefit participation will cease and your options for continuation, conversion or portability. You should also consult with a Benefits Consultant to understand your options for health care and retirement benefits.
How does Medicare work with the State Health Plan when you are no longer employed? Review Retiree Benefits Information on the North Carolina State Health Plan website to learn about coordination of benefits, prescription coverage and much more.
Individuals transitioning from an active employee status to a retiree status (e.g., no longer receiving a pay check directly from UNC-Chapel Hill), must initiate a request to keep an active PID as a University affiliate. The benefits office will initiate the retiree being established as an affiliate during the retirement process. Affiliate status has to be renewed every 10 years. The retiree will be contacted via email prior to the expiration of the affiliate status and given an option to renew.

An individual who is retiring from the University but will be re-employed in some paid status, including faculty phased retirement or other temporary employment with the University, retains their PID as an employee and does not need to request a PID as a UNC affiliate. This is only necessary if the retiree does not receive a pay check from UNC-Chapel Hill.

Retirees can get a new UNC One Card which in turn facilitates continued access to various campus services (i.e. email access, employee discount program, campus recreation). The original UNC One Card held as an active employee will no longer be valid and must be reissued as a retiree.

Once a retiree’s PID as a University affiliate is activated, they must visit the UNC One Card office with a drivers’ license, passport or military ID for identification purposes and pay a One Card issuance fee. The UNC One Card Office is located in the Daniels Student Stores Building and can be reached at 919-962-8024 or email

UNC retirees are not automatically added to the on-line UNC Directory. If a retiree wishes to have an on-line directory entry, they should make this request of the Benefits Consultant during the retirement process. Once the request is processed by ITS, the Benefits Consultant can update the on-line directory entry with specific contact information.
Information on retiree parking permits is available from the UNC Department of Public Safety.
Note in particular, Sec. 4-1. Parking Permits, Section 3. Retired Faculty/Staff Permits. The Departmental Parking Coordinator for the retiree’s last employing department can assist in confirming availability of and obtaining issuance of a retiree parking permit.
Retirees from Carolina can expand their horizons through a variety of discount programs that provide access to some of the region’s best arts and entertainment, intercollegiate athletics action and other jewels – indoors and out. There’s a rich array of programming available to University retirees and their families. Check out our Discounts & Perks page for the latest information on discounts and events.

Retirees are eligible to continue to use of Campus Recreation Facilities (Gym& Pool, Finely Golf Course, Kerr Lake, and the Faculty & Staff Recreation Association—The Farm) with payment of appropriate fees. A UNC One Card is required to access some facilities and to take advantage of the employee discount program.

There are other privileges that are extended to faculty retirees and additional information is provided in the Faculty Handbook.

In addition, Emeritus faculty may request University business cards to be printed to reflect their Emeritus title and current contact information. Such requests should be directed to the administrative office of the Department in which they were last appointed. Departments are encouraged to satisfy such requests but ultimately this is at each Chair’s discretion and subject to budget availability within the Department.