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EHRA Non-Faculty

EHRA Non-Faculty to SHRA Position Conversion

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EHRA Non-Faculty to SHRA Position Conversion is used when an EHRA non-faculty position potentially returns to SHRA status based on loss of certain EHRA-qualifying titles or other changes in position attributes (e.g., job duties or reporting relationship) over time. This will allow a unit, school or division to convert an existing filled or vacant EHRA non-faculty position to SHRA status.

Based on the loss of certain EHRA-qualifying titles and/or other changes in position attributes over time, some positions may be required to return to SHRA status. Some working title changes may eliminate an automatic EHRA non-faculty status (Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor, Assistant/Associate Dean, etc.).

When this occurs, the unit, school, or division will consult with the Director of EHRA Non-Faculty HR in the Office of Human Resources (OHR). This may involve additional consultations by the Director with the current EHRA non-faculty employee, if the position is filled, as well as the appropriate Classification Consultant in the Classification & Compensation unit in OHR.

The EHRA Non-Faculty unit in the Office of Human Resources will review the current job duties to ascertain whether the position continues to meet EHRA non-faculty guidelines. The unit, school, or division may initiate this by contacting the Director of EHRA Non-Faculty HR to discuss prior to preparing a Modify Position request.

The EHRA Non-Faculty HR office will verify that the current general minimum education and experience requirements have been met for all EHRA non-faculty positions. This review will determine whether the position meets one of the generic definitions for EHRA non-faculty, SAAO, or Exempt Professional Staff (“EPS”).

If yes and the generic exemption is not being used by another position within the department, the department should submit a Modify Position request. Along with a detailed letter of explanation (stating that it meets the relevant generic definition) addressed to the Director of EHRA Non-Faculty HR, the department should include as an attachment in PDF or TIFF format a current organizational chart (with the affected position highlighted). Routing would follow the normal processing through the appropriate administrative channels for all EHRA non-faculty position requests.

If the position title is not generic (Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor, Assistant/Associate Dean, etc.), or if the generic title has been used already within the unit, then the position should be submitted to EHRA Non-Faculty HR through a Modify Position request process for determination of whether it meets an EHRA non-faculty definition. If a position clearly meets the definition for SAAO development, then the position will be reviewed and approved as appropriate by EHRA Non-Faculty HR in consultation with General Administration – Human Resources Advisory Board (HRAB) without waiting for the next scheduled HRAB meeting.

If the position does not meet specific SAAO position criteria, the Director of EHRA Non-Faculty HR will forward it to General Administration to be reviewed by HRAB.

Should GA – HRAB determine that the current EHRA non-faculty position does not meet one of the definitions for EHRA non-faculty positions, and if the position is occupied, the incumbent will then be given the option to be “grandfathered” as an EHRA non-faculty employee or to move to SHRA status. The employee’s choice should be recorded on the EHRA Non-Faculty to SHRA Election Form.

Should the employee wish to go to SHRA status, this requires consultation and further discussions with the Director of EHRA Non-Faculty HR and the appropriate Classification Specialist in the Classification & Compensation unit of the Office of Human Resources.

Should the employee wish to stay in the EHRA non-faculty status, then the position reverts to SHRA status at the time the incumbent leaves the position.

This process essentially is the reverse of the SHRA to EHRA non-faculty election that employees are offered when the status of a position changes from SHRA to EHRA non-faculty.