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A reclassification (technically known as a reallocation in career banding) occurs when there is a logical progression of a specific position due to changing business needs, shifts in organizational structure, or other operational factors that result in requirements for higher-level work.

A logical progression means that the position classification follows a natural path within its job family/occupational group. A progression from Business Services Coordinator to Business Officer is a logical move, whereas a move outside the job family would not be. For instance, an administrative position moving to an IT classification is not a natural path; in fact, that would constitute a new role that would need to be posted.

A reallocation action can be either a change in position competency level (e.g., Journey to Advanced) or a change in career banding title (e.g., Accounting Technician to Accountant).

Requesting a reallocation

To request that a position be reviewed for reallocation, please contact your assigned Classification & Compensation Consultant. You will need to complete a new position description and provide an updated organizational chart for analysis. Typically, a reallocation is accompanied by a salary increase for the incumbent, though it is not required. An employee must be paid at least the minimum of the range for the new career banded title, but otherwise no salary action is mandated though internal pay alignment must always be considered.

Internal opportunity selection

Sometimes higher-level work (which may constitute cause for a position competency change, a branch/role change, or an update to position duties) is required in a unit where there are multiple peers at the same classification performing substantially similar work, but there is no vacancy or other opportunity to post an opening.

In these cases, we must follow a fair and defensible process to determine which employee(s) will be eligible for a classification and/or salary change:

  1. The manager or HR Representative works with their Classification & Compensation Consultant to determine which employees would be eligible for a classification and/or salary change
  2. The eligible group is notified that an opportunity exists, the details of the opportunity, and how to express interest (letter of interest, resume and letter, etc.)
  3. Employees have at least five business days to submit materials indicating their interest
  4. The manager assembles a group to review the submitted materials and talk with each employee who expressed interest
  5. The manager makes a determination of which employee(s) will be assigned the additional duties based on work-related qualifications.
  6. The department completes the Summary of Internal Opportunity Selection worksheet (see below) and submits it to their Classification & Compensation Consultant along with the materials submitted by the interested employees.
  7. The department maintains their selection materials internally and the materials submitted to Classification & Compensation will be uploaded to ConnectCarolina with the other reallocation documentation

Summary of Internal Opportunity Selection Worksheet (pdf) | fillable form for submitting eligibility description, employees for consideration, etc.
Note: If only one employee expresses interest, then that employee is selected and the worksheet is completed to note only one candidate.