Personnel Information
Below are summaries of the policies that apply to personnel information at UNC-Chapel Hill. Click on “Go to Policy” to read the full policy statement for each subject.
Certain items regarding each individual’s University employment – such as age, title and salary – are considered public information and will be released upon request. Other information is considered confidential under State law unless otherwise explicitly authorized by the Human Resources Act. See the Confidentiality of Personnel Information Policy for more information.
UNC-Chapel Hill is open and responsive to information requests from the public and the news media. The university is committed to a policy of openness, honesty and cooperation with members of the public and the news media. See the Public Records Requests policy for more information.
The Records Retention and Disposal schedule is a tool for the employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to use when managing the records of the University. It lists records found in an office and gives an assessment of their value by indicating when (and if) those records should be destroyed. The schedule is also an agreement between the office, the University Archives and Records Service (UARS) and the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (DCR). See the Records Retention & Disposal Policy for more information.
Three types of service credit are maintained for SHRA employees. Specific uses of each type of service are made for various policy and fringe benefits applications. The types of service credit are Total State Service, Continuous State Service, and Creditable Retirement Service. Learn more about Service Date Information.