Phased Retirement
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Through the University of North Carolina Phased Retirement Program, eligible full-time tenured faculty members transition to retirement through half-time (or equivalent) service. The program is voluntary and is entered into by a written agreement between an eligible faculty member and the institution. This page includes helpful information for retirees and for deans and department chairs. For any questions you may have, contact the UNC Benefits Team by emailing or calling 919-962-3071. For details on the Phased Retirement program for University faculty, refer to Section 300.7.2 of the UNC System Policy Manual and Code.
The application period for 2025-2028 Phased Retirement is Oct. 23, 2024 – Feb. 21, 2025.
Phased Retirement Zoom Sessions
Join the UNC Benefits team from 3:30 – 4:15 p.m. for Zoom information sessions on phased retirement.
Participating tenured faculty working 1.0 FTE who are members in TSERS MUST:
- Be at least age 62 upon entering the Phased Retirement Program.
- Have at least five years of full-time service at their current institution.
- Be eligible to receive a retirement benefit under TSERS.
Participating tenured faculty working 1.0 FTE who are participants in the ORP MUST:
- Be at least age 59½ upon entering the Phased Retirement.
- Have at least five years of full-time service at their current institution.
- Be eligible to receive a retirement benefit under ORP.
During phased retirement, you give up your tenured status, but UNC System policy allows you to retain the right to vote on personnel recommendations that confer tenure or promotion, to the extent already provided to faculty of your rank.
In these cases, the full-time administrator should first notify their supervisor of the plan and discuss returning to faculty service on a part-time basis. At the same time, the administrator should contact the chair of the academic department in which they hold tenure to design a work plan with the chair of the plan. The application should be submitted to the chair with a copy to the current supervisor. The academic chair should then consider the application along with others in the department.
Faculty authorized for less than full-time status in a current tenured faculty position will need to return to and work in full-time status for no less than 180 calendar days prior to entering the phased retirement program. Faculty in this situation should contact their Department Chair and seek return to full-time status with the intent to enter phased retirement.
Faculty members who enter the Phased Retirement Program retain their professional rank and the full range of responsibilities and rights (except for the status of permanent tenure) associated with that rank as described in the Faculty Code. Departments and schools are encouraged to extend full departmental rights and benefits to faculty in the program on those matters not specified in the Faculty Code.
Enrolling Eligible Faculty Members may elect to begin receiving the benefits they have accrued under either the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS) or the Optional Retirement Program (ORP), but they are not required to do so. By receiving monthly retirement benefits, you are eligible for retiree health insurance for you and your dependents.
For more information about retirement benefits, contact the UNC Benefits Office at 919-962-3071 or
Faculty members participating in the Teacher’s and State Employee’s Retirement System (TSERS) retiring, any sick leave hours you have will be added to your TSERS service credit which results in a larger monthly benefit.
Faculty members participating in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) will forfeit any remaining sick leave balance upon entering phased retirement.
Retirees who have completed five years of service and are in receipt of a monthly retirement benefit are eligible for retiree health insurance. Cost depends on upon the first-hired date and can be discussed with the UNC Benefits Team. Those over age 65 will also need to enroll in Medicare A and B effective July 1 (the phased retirement date). Everyone pays a Medicare Part B premium.
The policies on conferring emeritus rank are unaffected by Phased Retirement. Emeritus status can be given at the conclusion of phased retirement.
Fixed-term titles
The intent of the Phased Retirement Program is for re-employed faculty to retain the title they had before resignation.
Named / Distinguished professorships
If the faculty member who holds a named or distinguished professorship enters phased retirement resulting in their appointment becoming less than full-time, the faculty member is no longer eligible to hold a state-matching professorship.
However, this guidance should not be interpreted as a guarantee of parking availability since not all faculty members are eligible for parking permits. This issue should be discussed with your department.
Phased retirees have a half-time appointment, earning half-time faculty base salary. While on phased retirement you may only earn from UNC up to 50% of your faculty base salary. This can include income from teaching in regular or summer sessions, distance education classes, summer session, external research contracts or grants, even when there is no formal teaching obligation associated with the phased retirement contract.
Half-time salary is one-half of a faculty member’s base salary for the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year in which the Phased Retirement Plan is implemented for that individual. It does not include supplements for administrative assignments, overloads or similar payments to which the faculty member is not legally entitled.
Because of this, there may be a difference between the one-half salary that an eligible employee may receive from UNC-Chapel Hill under the phased retirement program and the State Retirement System’s definition of one-half of final salary. Therefore, it may be possible that a faculty member’s one-half salary amount may be lower than the amount that the State Retirement System may use to determine if a faculty member has exceeded the 50% earnings limit.
In some cases, for example, a faculty member may have received supplements for additional employment or summer school that may increase the State Retirement earnings limit, but these supplements will not increase the base pay for purpose of calculating one-half of base pay at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Note: Faculty members in the Optional Retirement Program are not subject to the rules that limit earnings after retirement.
- Summer teaching cannot be part of the Phased Retirement “half-time” work plan negotiated with the department chair.
- The University or the faculty member’s department is under no obligation to offer summer teaching.
- A Phased Retiree’s summer teaching appointment must have the approval of the department chair and the dean of Summer School.
- Payment for summer teaching may not be calculated on the same basis as that for full-time faculty.
A Phased Retiree is a part-time employee and the Summer School dean establishes pay schedules for part-time Summer School employees, so only the dean of Summer School can answer questions about compensation for Phased Retirees teaching a summer course.
For faculty members in TSERS | Faculty members, if permitted to do so within their TSERS retirement earnings limit, may teach summer school while in Phased Retirement in addition to the agreed-upon responsibilities and compensation in the work plan. Faculty members who are in TSERS may NOT teach second session summer school during the summer they enter the Phased Retirement program. Each phased retiree retired from TSERS is responsible for earning their maximum earnings limit while at UNC.
For more information about teaching Summer School, see the Post-Retirement Earnings webpage.
The Office of Faculty Affairs and the UNC Benefits Teams notify each eligible faculty member during the enrollment period for phased retirement.
For applicants
Eligible faculty will receive phased retirement applications and processes. They will also receive information about returning the applications to the UNC Benefits Team.
For Chairs and Deans
Under the policy and procedures, the Chair of a department should accept all applications for the program, in the order in which they are received (please be careful to document the receipt of each application). In fact, the department chair cannot deny an application for phased retirement.
Upon forwarding the applications to the Dean, the Chair should comment upon concerns about the percentage of faculty who apply (especially if the number exceeds 25% of tenure track faculty in the department). The Dean will then be responsible for considering the situation and providing an appropriate recommendation to the Provost. In other words, the applications of all faculty who apply should be forwarded to the Dean. The Provost will make the final decision, after consultation with the Dean.
Note: If more than 25% of tenured faculty members in a department elect to enter the Phased Retirement Program, the dean should be consulted and will be responsible for making a recommendation to the Provost.
It is expected that each Dean will set an internal deadline for his or her College/School to receive faculty applications for the Phased Retirement Program. The Provost’s Office will encourage the Deans to communicate those deadlines to their units as soon as possible.
Phased Retirement Program Timeline for Tenured Faculty
Phased Retirement letters and informational packets sent to eligible faculty
November – February
Interested faculty can schedule a phone or Zoom consultation regarding the Phased Retirement program and its benefits with Joe Williams, Senior Director of Benefits, Leave Administration and Total WellBeing, by emailing him at
February 21, 2025
Deadline for Phased Retirement applications and the general release to be received by Joe Williams in the UNC Benefits Office. Email completed, signed applications and the notarized general release to
Late February
- Decisions made by Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost on received applications
- Eligibility verification complete
- Agreement and releases mailed to approved faculty members
Deadline for submission of signed releases to the UNC Benefits Team
March – April
Faculty to schedule appointments with UNC Benefits Team in the Office of Human Resources to complete retirement paperwork
July 1
Phased Retirement begins
For more information, reach out to Joe Williams, Senior Director of Benefits, Leave Administration & Total WellBeing at UNC-Chapel Hill: (919) 843-7874 or
Activities include:
- Undergraduate and/or graduate teaching
- Research and creative activities
- Academic advising
- Writing grants
- Publications
- Committee membership for graduate student thesis/dissertation research
- Presentations
- Participation in public service-related activities, professional society-related activities and/or departmental administrative activities
The percent of time an applicant will be involved in any of these activities will depend upon the level of time commitment agreed upon between the faculty member and the department head as they create the half-time work plan.
Although the Summary document from the UNC System Office refers to limits on applications that may impair academic quality, progression towards degrees and other factors, in its plan, UNC-Chapel Hill only limits applications on the basis of not more than 25% of tenure track faculty in a department and not more than 10% of tenure track faculty across the University. Therefore, the UNC System Office limit reference does not apply at UNC-Chapel Hill. We acknowledge that this is confusing in the packet of information, but the General Administration requires us to deliver both the UNC Board of Governors’ policy and our specific policy to all faculty members who may be eligible.
UNC-Chapel Hill
The order of acceptance for applications to the Phased Retirement Program will be decided on a first-come, first-served basis. The date the application is received in the department’s office determines the order of priority. Therefore, it is important that department offices document the date and time of receipt of applications.
The limit will apply to the academic department, not to the Center. It will be necessary for the applicant and the Chair of the academic department to discuss fully the faculty work plans during the years of phased retirement.
Center Directors should contact the academic department when they receive an application so that the Chair of the department may consider the application.
Funding & Department Resources
After the department chair has reviewed the phased retirement applications received and examined other resources available to address department needs, the department chair should discuss the situation with the dean. The dean will examine the needs across the school/college and address this issue with the Provost. In all cases, the department will have one-half of the retiring faculty member’s salary for three years. The residual one-half salary is subject to review by the dean and Provost.
In cases where a faculty member in a department resigns and is re-employed under this program and a department chair is interested in replacing one-half of the person’s workload, the department chair should discuss the situation with the Dean after reviewing the applications and examining other resources available to address the department’s needs. The Dean will examine the needs across the school/college and address this issue with the Provost. In all cases, the department will have 1/2 of the retiring faculty member’s salary to pay that person at half salary for three years. The residual 1/2 salary is subject to review by the Dean and Provost.
Related Documents
- Phased Retirement Application (pdf)
- Phased Retirement FAQs from Deans and Department Heads (pdf)
- Phased Retirement FAQs from Faculty Members (pdf)
- Phased Retirement General Release (pdf)
- Phased Retirement Voting Rights Memo (pdf)
- Provost Letter on Phased Retirement (pdf)
- UNC Phased Retirement Program (PRP) Department Guidelines (pdf)