Protected: [DRAFT] PM Managers
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…ograms. The new Personal Leave Program only affects vacation leave for new EHRA employees and current EHRA employees who choose to opt in; the Personal Leave Program does not affect any other leave programs. Employees under the Personal Leave Program accrue and are entitled to other leave allotments (Sick Leave, Civil Leave, Personal Observance, etc.) per the policies already established for those leaves and in the same way as employees in the Ann…
Back to top EHRA Non-Faculty to SHRA Position Conversion is used when an EHRA non-faculty position potentially returns to SHRA status based on loss of certain EHRA-qualifying titles or other changes in position attributes (e.g., job duties or reporting relationship) over time. This will allow a unit, school or division to convert an existing filled or vacant EHRA non-faculty position to SHRA status. Initial Consultation Based on the loss of certa…